About Us

Young Film Network South East covers Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Norfolk, Oxfordshire, Suffolk, Surrey and Sussex.
We work with venues and organisations across these counties with the aim of increasing access to and appreciation of cultural cinema among 16-25 year olds, and encourage a greater awareness of strategic progression routes for young people within the industry.
We are grateful for support from both BFI Film Academy and the BFI Film Audience Network, awarding funds from the National Lottery. The Network was established in 2017 by the Independent Cinema Office.
Key Words and Acronyms
There are a lot of long titles and words we use across this website. Here’s a breakdown of what everything means.
- YFN: Young Film Network / YFNSE: Young Film Network South East (these are the same thing just shortened)
- YFP: Young Film Programmer
- BFI: British Film Institute
- ICO: Independent Cinema Office
- FHSE: Film Hub South East
- Labs: Online industry sessions to help you learn more about ways to further your career and hear from professionals about their experience. They’re informal and usually with a Q&A afterwards.
- SCENE: Networking events, usually in person, that give you the opportunity to expand your own network and develop your understanding of the film industry